1 SEPT 2016 | THURS  9.00-11.00               Mod 1 - ses.1 

Prefigurative Practice: Embodying Integration in the Balance of Asana, Pranayama, and Meditation

·       Description: Guided practice modeling the holistic integration of essential yogic tools of self-awareness and self-transformation, including asanas drawn from each of the seven asana families, basic pranayama techniques (natural breathing, puraka, rechaka, viloma, sama vrtti and visama vrtti, kumbhakas), and breath-as-mantra meditation.

·       Objective: To provide an experiential prism through which to feel and more clearly envision one’s path in the Advanced Teacher Training.

1 SEPT 2016 | THURS   11.00-12.30            Mod 1 - ses.2   

Taking the Seat of the Teacher: Reflections on One’s Path So Far, Envisioning the Future

·       Description: Lecture, discussion, and meditation on refining the practice of teaching, emphasizing how svadyaya practice brings clearer insight into areas of potential focus and growth on the more advanced teaching path.

·       Objective: To gain greater initial clarity of intention in committing to deeper study, expanded knowledge, and more refined skills in teaching yoga.

1 SEPT 2016 | THURS  13.30-15.00             Mod 1 - ses.3

What is Yoga? Part I on Deconstruction and Reconstruction

·       Description: PowerPoint-supported lecture and discussion on the origins and historical development of yoga theories and practices, covering Vedic through Classical periods, emphasizing the plurality, diversity, divergence and integration of ideas and practices and the early roots of Patanjalian hegemony in contemporary yoga.

·       Objective: To open one’s understanding of yoga history and philosophies to consideration of enduring myths, mysteries, and multiple possibilities for framing, sharing, and experiencing yoga today.

1 SEPT 2016 | THURS  15.00-17.30             Mod 1 - ses.4 

What is Yoga? Part II on Deconstruction and Reconstruction

·       Description: PowerPoint-supported lecture and discussion of the origins and historical development of yoga theories and practices, covering the rise of Tantra, Hatha, and emergence of modern yoga, emphasizing the plurality, diversity, divergence and integration of ideas and practices that have most shaped modern approaches to practice.

·       Objective: To further open one’s understanding of yoga history and philosophies to consideration of enduring myths, mysteries, and multiple possibilities for framing, sharing, and experiencing yoga today.


2 SEPT 2016 | FRI 9.00-11.00                      Mod 1 - ses.5

Roots and Extension, Groundedness and Spaciousness: Connecting Earth and Heaven from the Inside Out

·       Description: An integrated practice modeling asana teaching methods that highlight and embody the relationships between qualities of rooting and expanding in asanas, emphasizing the grounding intelligence of standing postures and pada bandha and their role in cultivating space, more subtle awareness of energy, and the balance of sthira sukham asanam.

·       Objective: To experience and embody how Law of Resultant Force (Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion) gains practical expression in asana practices designed for creating space and awakening somatic awareness.

2 SEPT 2016 | FRI 11.00-12.30                    Mod 1 - ses.6   

Grounding and Aligning: Anatomical Position and Gravitational Line in Refining the Art and Science of Seeing Students in Asanas

·       Description: Brief lecture reviewing anatomical position and planes of motion followed by dyadic partner observations in a modified Tadasana. Includes review of applied functional anatomy in the feet, ankles, knees, hips and pelvis related to Tadasana as the foundational standing asana, including primary risk issues in the knees and hips in foundational standing asanas.

·       Objective: To review and refine participants’ understanding of basic anatomy concepts and how the apply in appreciating and guiding students in asanas.

2 SEPT 2016 | FRI | 13.30-15.00                 Mod 1 - ses.7 

Muladhara, Svadisthana, and Manipura Chakras in Asana, Pranayama, and Meditation

·       Description: Lecture and discussion followed by guided asana practice (brief), pranayama and meditation relating chakras to spiritual psychology and dharma discovery.

·       Objective: To deepen and embody knowledge of chakras as practical tools in practicing and teaching yoga and becoming clearer on one’s path on and off the mat.

2 SEPT 2016 | FRI | 15.00-17.30                 Mod 1 - ses.8 

Essential Elements of Asana and Their Application in Standing Asanas

·       Description: Brief lecture and discussion on theories of breathing, alignment principles, and energetic actions in asana practice, followed by dyadic partner teaching of externally and internally rotated hip standing asanas (including standing balancing asanas). Includes review of applied functional anatomy in internal and external rotation and adduction/abduction of the femur at the hip.

·       Objective: To review and refine knowledge of essential asana elements and their practical application in teaching yoga.

2 SEPT 2016 | FRI  | 19.00-21.00                Mod 1 - ses.9

Physics and Metaphysics in Yoga: The Earth Element, Prana Vayu, & The Law of Resultant Force

·       Description: Lecture and discussion exploring the integration of Eastern and Western concepts of energy as they might apply in asana practices.

·       Objective: To expand participants’ appreciation of diverse sources of insight into the underlying theories of yoga asana and energetics.

3 SEPT 2016 | SAT  | 9.00-11.00                 Mod 1 - ses.10

Grounded Levity: Core Integration and Arm Support Asanas

·       Description: Lecture and discussion reviewing the abdominal core and shoulder girdle, and exploration of applied abdominal engagement in arm support asanas. Consideration of risk issues an related practices for wrist and shoulder therapy.

·       Objective: To experience and embody how the actions of specifically targeted core muscles are applied in related arm support asanas.

3 SEPT 2016 | SAT | 11.00-12.30                Mod 1 - ses.11

Teaching Grounded Levity

·       Description: Practice teaching of Adho Mukha Svanasana, Adho Mukha Vrksasana,Kakasana, Bakasana, the Eka Pada Koundinyasana–Astavakrasana vinyasa, and Sirsasana II-based vinyasas for Galavasana and Urdhva Kukkutasana.

·       Objective: To further develop and refine one’s skills in teaching intermediate-to-advanced level arm support asanas, including through refined understanding of the functional anatomy and biomechanics of movement into, in, and out the asanas.

3 SEPT 2016 | SAT | 13.30-15.00                Mod 1 - ses.12

Parvati’s Heartful Reply to Shiva’s Dance of Tandava: Visiting the Divine Feminine in the Flow of Asana and Life

·       Description: Lecture and discussion on the goddess in Tantra followed by a very brief practice of the Lasya Vinyasa. Underlying question for discussion is “What is Tantra?”

·       Objective: To gain an introductory knowledge of the role of the divine feminine as the heart of Tantric philosophy and practice, and to deepen one’s understanding of the vast diversity of Tantra.

3 SEPT 2016 | SAT | 15.00-17.30                Mod 1 - ses.13

The Triad of Back Bending Keys: Connecting the Hip Flexors, Spine, and Shoulder Girdle.

·       Description: Lecture and discussion of the functional anatomy of the pelvic girdle, spine and shoulder girdle in relation to safe, deep, and sustainable heart-opening backbends, followed by dyadic partner teaching of contraction, traction, and leveraged backbends with both shoulder extension and flexion variations.

·       Objective: To learn and apply more refined functional anatomy knowledge of teaching safe, accessible, and sustainable backbends.


4 SEPT 2016 | SUN | 9.00-11.00                Mod 1 - ses.15

Neutralizing Energy and Deepening Embodied Awareness

·       Description: An integrated practice modeling how to teach seated & supine twists, forward bends and hip openers as sources of balanced energy and integrated practices.

·       Objective: To experience and embody knowledge of how twists neutralize energy and prepare the bodymind for deeper awareness in opening the hips and back body.

4 SEPT 2016 | SUN | 11.00-12.30              Mod 1 - ses.16             

Refined Teaching of Seated and Supine Asanas

·       Description: Partner teaching of asanas covered in the prior session.

·       Objective: To further develop and refine one’s knowledge and skills in teaching seated and supine twists, forward bends, and hip openers.

4 SEPT 2016 | SUN | 13.30-15.00              Mod 1 - ses.17

The Meaning of Integration and the Sublime Power of Restoration

·       Description: Lecture and discussion returning to our originating question, “What is Yoga?” Consideration of insights drawn the previous sessions to what it means to have an integrated practice, including theories of pratikriyasana, balanced gunas, vairagya, and savasana.

·       Objective: To expand one’s understanding of holistic integration in yoga.

4 SEPT 2016 | SUN | 15.00-17.30              Mod 1 - ses.18             

Expanded Perspective in an Upside –Down World

·       Description: Practical and philosophical exploration of Sirsansa I, Sarvanghasana, and their closely inter-related asana cousins, combining lecture, practice, and discussion.

·       Objective: To deepen one’s understanding of how asana practice relates to dharma and jivanmukti.

4 SEPT 2016 | SUN | Homework               Mod 1 - ses. 19            Homework (Mark)

Integration, Embodiment, and Expansion of Knowledge and Skills

·       Description: Participants are strongly encouraged to 1) commit to a daily practice of asana, pranayama and meditation, 2) to maintain a daily practice journal reflecting upon varying experiences in doing yoga, and 3) to consider and write down how the experience of practice informs and might be informed by the learning from this module.

·       Objective: To integrate, embody, and expand upon the knowledge and skills covered in this module.

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September 1-4