Thursday & Friday: Working with Injuries

Description: Yoga teachers commonly encounter injuries and other special conditions in their students. ACL repairs, strained medial collateral ligaments, carpal tunnel syndrome, rotator cuff strain or weakness, various spinal conditions such as lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis and spondalolysthesis, recent ankle sprains and strained hamstrings are just some of the conditions that teachers are likely to find in practically every class. In this workshop, we will start with the perspective embedded in the Chinese character for "crisis," which has the dual meaning of "danger" and "opportunity." We will learn how to work with a variety of student challenges, exploring how to turn them into opportunities for deepening the overall practice. We will look closely at specific accommodations for different injuries and challenges, including alternative alignment, energetic actions, use of props, verbal cues and hands-on adjustments. Close examination of how to craft individualized therapeutic practices that support physical therapy protocols and various alternative healing modalities.

Saturday & Sunday: Tricky Transitions - Alignment & Energetic Actions in Flowing Asana Sequences

DescriptionMost asana instruction focuses on asana qua asana, with most attention given to alignment and energetic actions in separate asanas. Yet how we establish these qualities in each asana is largely determined by how we get there. The form and energetics of our Chataranga – along with what happens in every moment of the movement into Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog Pose) – will largely determined the qualities and experience of Up Dog itself. Some transitions

In these workshops and amster classes, we look closely at transitions into and out of poses as well as the fundamental alignment principles, risks and contraindications, energetic actions, modifications, and variations for each of the constituent postures found in dynamic sequences. Detailed breakdown of common transitions that involve challenges to alignment and risk of injury, plus classical sun salutations, surya namaskara A & B, dancing warrior variations, lasya vinyasa, and sirsasana II arm balance vinyasas.

For the detailed schedule and pre-registration, please go to AIRYOGA.COM

Display Date
November 24-27