
  • 18:00-21:00
    • Refining Surya Namaskara – For Students & Teachers
      • A detailed exploration of the 12 asanas in Classical, Surya Namaskara A and Surya Namaskara B, looking closely at the elements of each asana and the transitions from one to the next. Depending on who is in the workshop, the focus can be more on practice or teaching (or both), and can include as much functional anatomy and kinesiology as you wish.


  • 9:00-12:00
    • Hands-On Adjustments – I. Standing Asanas – For Teachers and Dedicated Students
      • Detailed consideration of how to balance visual demonstration, verbal cues, and hands-on support in teaching externally rotated, internally rotated, and standing balance asanas. The primary focus in on refining the teacher's skills in observing and understanding different student conditions in each asana, and then giving appropriate guidance, with a strong emphasis on tactile cues.
  • 14:00-17:00
    • Hands-On Adjustments – II. Backbends – For Teachers & Dedicated Students
      • A close look at the three families of back bends (contraction, such as Salabhasana, traction, such as Ustrasana, and leveraged, such as Urdhva Dhanurasana) and how best to give hands-on guidance that helps students more easily open with stability and ease.
  • 19:30-21:30
    • Master Class Focusing on Heart-Opening Back Bends – Students & Teachers
      • A flowing class emphasizing conscious ujjayi breathing on a path of gradually deeper heart-opening back bends. We will explore how to open and stabilize in the hips and the shoulder girdle while cultivating warmth and suppleness along the spine in preparation for the most sublimely open back bends. Includes 15-minute heart-centered guided meditation.


  • 8:00-9:00
    • Pranayama & Meditation – Students & Teachers
      • A classic practice for awakening in the day with full and balance energy and awareness. We begin with simple sitting, explore natural breathing, ujjayi with easy movements of the spine and hips, expansion and refinement of prana with samavrtti and viloma, then greater awakening and energetic balancing with kapalabhati and nadi shodhana, and finally sitting in this energy in quiet awareness. Free?!?!
  • 9:30-12:30
    • Hands-On Adjustments – III. Seated Twists, Hip Openers, and Forward Bends – For Teachers & Dedicated Students
      • Here we focus more on how grounding creates space along the spine and how to give hands-on adjustments that emphasize this grounding while creating safe and deep twists, liberating hip openers, and deeply calming forward bends.
  • 14:30-17:30
    • Arm Balance Intensive – All Levels of Students and Teachers
      • This workshop is really about self-acceptance and self-confidence, even as we explore a sense of levity (and levitation!). We start with Down Dog, then explore a wide variety of arm balances: Bakasana, Kakasana, Bhujapitasana, Tittibhasana, Astavakrasana, Eka Pada Koundinyasana, Galavasana, Uttana Prasithasana, Urdhva Kukkatasana, Adho Mukha Svananasa...only as far as it all works for the students in the workshop!
  • 19:30-21:00
    • What is Yoga?
      • A talk and discussion tracing ancient to classical to modern to contemporary yoga in theory and practice, briefly exploring the shifts from vedic to upanashadic to classical to tantric to hatha to today's eclectic mixing of it all.


  • 9:00-12:00
  • Hands-On Adjustments – IV – Inversions – For Teachers & Dedicated Students
  • Here we focus more on turning our world upside down in Sirsasana, Sarvanghasana, Viparita Karani and their related asanas. We give close and special attention to the neck and how the set up, transition in and out, and find stability and ease in each asana.

Please click here for details and registration.

Display Date
November 17-20