Module I +300-Hour Teacher Training

Focus: Anatomy, Asana, and Adjustments

Title for this Weekend: Refined Teaching with Hands-On Cues
Module 1 – Apr 6-8

Class 1 07:30-08:30am
Topic: Preparing to Listen & Share with Pranayama & Meditation
Class Description/Content: First we simply sit, then we tune in to our natural breathing , then we cultivate prana with ujjayi and simple spine-awakening movements, then we gradually refine our breathing using sama/visama vrtti, viloma, and antara/bahya kumbhaka, then we wake up more with kapalabhati, balance our energy with nadi shodhana, and finally sit again in this awakened state of being.

Class 2 8:30-10:00am 
Topic: Principles of Hands-On Teaching of Asanas
Class Description/Content: A lecture on the philosophy and principles of teaching yoga, focusing on coordinating appropriate hands-on cues with verbal and visual cues.

Class 3 10:30-12:30pm 
Topic: Externally-Rotated Hip Standing Asanas
Class Description/Content: Application of the theories, principles and techniques of hands-on teaching to externally-rotated hip standing asanas.

Class 4 13:15-15:30pm 
Topic: Internally- and Neutrally-Rotated Hip Standing Asanas
Class Description/Content: Application of the theories, principles and techniques of hands-on teaching to internally- and neutrally-rotated hip standing asanas.

Class 5 07:30-08:30am
Topic: Detailed Breakdown of Surya Namaskara A,B, and Classical.
Class Description/Content: A practical and highly focused consideration of the alignment principles, energetic actions, and related hands-on cues in the asanas and transitions found in Surya Namaskara A, B, and Classical.

Class 6 8:30-10:00am
Topic: Backbends I
Class Description/Content: Application of the theories, principles and techniques of hands-on teaching to prone backbends.

Class 7 10:30-12:30pm
Topic: Backbends II
Class Description/Content: Application of the theories, principles and techniques of hands-on teaching to standing and supine backbends.

Class 8 13:15-15:30pm 
Topic: Twists
Class Description/Content: Application of the theories, principles and techniques of hands-on teaching ton seated and supine twists.

Class 9 07:30-08:30am
Topic: Deepening Pranayama & Meditation Practices
Class Description/Content: We will explore making things simpler and this deeper. The meditation offers an alternative (Tantric) approach to the dualistic way of Patanjalian and most other yoga.

Class 10 8:30-10:00am
Topic: Forward Bends & Hip Openers I
Class Description/Content: Application of the theories, principles and techniques of hands-on teaching to seated and supine forward bends and hip openers.

Class 11 10:30-12:30pm
Topic: Forward Bends & Hip Openers II
Class Description/Content: Application of the theories, principles and techniques of hands-on teaching to seated and supine forward bends and hip openers.

Class 12  13:15-15:15pm 
Topic: Inversions
Class Description/Content: Application of the theories, principles and techniques of hands-on teaching to inversions.

Required: Read Chapter 3, “Foundations and Techniques in Giving Yoga Adjustments,” in Mark Stephens, Yoga Adjustments: Philosophy, Principles, and Techniques (Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, 2014).

Display Date
April 6-8