Reawaken and Step into the Springtime of Practice

Join Mark in his four day Easter Delicious with all level workshops & teacher explorations on Pranayama, Bandhas, and Subtle Energy.

Start your morning with all the elements of an integrated practice, blending asana, pranayama, meditation, bandha and mudra into deeply awakening and transformative experiences for all levels.

The afternoons give experienced students and teachers the possibility to cover basic concepts of subtle energy (koshas, prana, vayus, chakras, nadis) and how to guide students in cultivating awareness of the principal bandhas in asana and pranayama practices.  

Deep & Rich Spring Flow & Breathing Workshop

27 March | Easter Sunday | 14:00-16:30

Easter invites us into the Springtime of practice, with warming light and bright rainbows evoking the transition out of Winter. Here we also cultivate the renewed balance suggested by the Equinox, the practice being one of reawakening our energies in every element of life. Come prepared for a warming and integrated practice with something for everyone, from newer to seriously advanced students and teachers interested in the practice of balanced awakening.

All levels welcome 

Grounding & Flying 

28 March | Easter Monday | 09:30-12:00 

After gradual warming with pranayamas and surya namaskaras, we will play with a series of powerful yet sublime standing asanas in ways that prepare us to move more gracefully into arm balances with a sense of grounded levity.

All levels welcome

Juicy Hips and Open Hearts 

Tuesday 29 March | 09:30-12:00

Warming and opening the hips is among the key secrets to the most expansive and heart-opening backbends. Here we will flow through a series of integrated standing sequences designed to liberate tension from the pelvis girdle while warming and making the spine and shoulder girdle more receptive to letting go of deeply held tension on the path to the most sublime backbends.

All levels welcome

Bringing it All Together

Wednesday 30 March | 09:30-12:00

Integration is the key to sustainable and transformational yoga. Each of the seven asana families form an integral part of asana practice. It all starts to make more sense when the asana families are brought together, with each lending insight and ease to the others as we steadily flow along the practice path.

All levels welcome

Teaching Pranayama, Bandhas, and Subtle Energy | Teacher Exploration

Monday 28 - Wednesday 30 March  | 13:30-16:30

This training draws from and integrates both the western anatomy and physiology of respiration and the esoteric anatomy and physiology of subtle energy found in ancient yoga practices. We cover the fundamentals of basic yoga breathing (ujjayi pranayama) and how to refine the pranayama experience through several specific ancient breathing practices, including viloma, kumbhaka, kapalabhati, nadi shodana and more recent forms such as holotropic breathing. These workshops cover basic concepts of subtle energy (koshas, prana vayus, chakras, nadis) and how to guide students in cultivating awareness of the principal bandhas in asana and pranayama practices.
Level: Yoga teachers or teachers in training or serious students


Display Date
March 27-30